In the summer 2015, I went to Europe with my classmates and instructors from University of Kentucky- College of Design. We went to Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, and Italy. The most time we went to cities in Italy. Our instructors gave us an assignment of project at a specific site in Rome, Italy. We must consider about how can a project develop and what would it be look like and would who is for?
I based my project on what I drew with the variety of shapes that I have observed at different sites in Europe. The methodology of this project was inspired to a museum design. I used the drawing when transferring to the plan design. The shape of the building is simple: however, upon entering the building, everything takes an unusual style. The project is what I have experienced myself when I visited many different sites in Europe. This design shows to the public about how uniquely one building displays these buildings in Rome, Italy.
The facts about modern architecture in Rome are scarce because Rome has a rich history of many old buildings constructed from the Ancient Roman through the nineteenth century. Rome has modern buildings, but only a few.  Eleven buildings  are well-known for their modern architecture: Maxxi (Zaha Hadid), Church of 2000 (Richard Meier), Auditorium Parco della Musica (Renzo Piano), Palazzetto della Sport (Pier Luigi Nervi), Palazzo delle Poste (Adalberto Libera), Palazzo della Civilta Italiana (Giovanni Guerrini), Palazzo dei Congressi (Adalberto Liberia), La Sapienza University (Marcello Piacentini), Biblioteca della Pontificia Universita Lateranense (King Roselli Architetti), Mosque-Islamic Cultural Center (Paolo Portoghesi), and Macro Museo d’arte Contemporania di Roma (Odile Deea).
Rendering: 3D Digital Perspective
Rendering: First Level Exhibition
Medium: Watercolor and Ink
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